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Our programs are designed to empower innovators, members and business ventures who wish to discover, develop, and deploy solutions that promote the sustainable use of energy, water and climate/ag technologies. We focus on providing access to tools and resources that encourage and bolster our mission here at the WET Center.

We offer a wide range of programs, including our Technology Innovation Evaluation program (TIE), the Valley Ventures accelerator, BlueTechValley, Central Valley iHUB, and Advisory Services. Each of these programs provides knowledge, skills, and cutting-edge resources unique to addressing the challenges innovators experience in the Central Valley when commercializing a successful business.

In addition, our programs are tailored to specific businesses and their needs. Our goal is to provide services and support that enable water, energy and ag-tech businesses to reach their full potential and positively impact the communities in which they serve. We strive to ensure our programs are accessible and equitable to all. We invite you to explore our programs below and find out how we can help you reach your goals. 


TEST combines the advantages of our location and our connections to surrounding community colleges, providing educational opportunities for their students and demonstration locations for our start-ups. Learn more here.


Advising Services

Sometimes all you need is a little help from a professional that's seen and experienced it all. Our advising services program does just that. Learn more here

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Interested in seeing how you can benefit from the BlueTechValley (BTV) program? Click here.


Student Programs

We believe students are the future of water, energy and climate tech (among many other things!). See how we offer students the chance to get involved in the clean tech industry here

Image of Irrigation for Row Crops

Valley Ventures

The Valley Ventures accelerator program is perfect for businesses that are ready to take their technology to market. Learn more here


Accelerate California

Have an innovative idea or business?
Accelerate California (Formerly Central Valley iHUB²) is here to help.

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